Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges in Paoli, PA

A dental bridge is a restorative procedure utilizing an apparatus designed to fill in the gap caused by one or more missing permanent teeth. Bridges feature one or more false teeth that are created to look and function just like your natural teeth. Any gap in your mouth can make you feel self-conscious, whether you are missing just one permanent tooth or more. This can affect your smile and overall confidence. Dental bridges near you can be the solution for restoring this confidence by replacing missing teeth with ones that look original to you. Dentist of Paoli offers dental bridges in Paoli, PA as a restorative procedure for patients missing one or more permanent teeth.

What Are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge generally consists of two crowns that are fitted to teeth on either side of a gap caused by a missing permanent tooth. These crowns anchor the false tooth in between to keep it in place. The false tooth can be made of porcelain or metals. Our dentists near you will create this false tooth to function and look as natural as the original tooth that you are missing. To design and implant a dental bridge, our dentists in Paoli, PA will require more than one in-office visit. First, the teeth where the dental crowns are to be placed will be prepared. Then, impressions of your teeth are made to serve as a model to create the bridge apparatus. During the following visit, your dental bridge will be fitted in place and adjusted to create a comfortable and natural-looking fit.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges fill gaps in the mouth caused by missing teeth. They also offer many aesthetic and functional oral health benefits. Here are some additional benefits of this procedure:
  • Eliminate the appearance of gaps or missing teeth
  • Help restore or maintain the ability to properly chew, bite, and/or speak
  • Maintain the bite as well as the shape of the face
  • Prevent remaining permanent teeth from shifting to fill gaps
When a permanent tooth is missing, it can lessen your confidence. However, a missing tooth doesn’t have to be a permanent situation. Contact the Dentist of Paoli for information about dental bridges near you and other restorative procedures.
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