Invisalign in Paoli, PA, 19301 | Dentist of Paoli

Five Simple Tips to Help Maintain Your Invisalign Clear Aligners

April 1, 2023

Do you know how to maintain Invisalign aligners? If you don’t, reading this article will help you with some simple tips.

If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, you may think braces will make you self-conscious. However, what would you feel if offered a virtually invisible option to straighten your crooked teeth? You will undoubtedly jump at the offer to straighten your teeth without a mouthful of metal accompanying traditional orthodontic treatments.

Invisalign is an alternative to conventional orthodontics that helps straighten teeth without metal braces. Instead, you receive Invisalign clear aligners that you wear over your teeth while incrementally moving them into their desired positions. Invisalign braces are virtually invisible, remaining indistinguishable in your mouth when you proceed with the treatment.

You may have thought whitening your teeth was the only option because you believed conventional metal braces were the only option available to straighten teeth. Fortunately, Invisalign is an excellent orthodontic treatment for you or your teenager if you consider orthodontics for your adolescent. In addition, Invisalign braces will not impact your smile when undergoing treatment with the aligners.

Simple Tips to Maintain Your Invisalign Clear Aligners

Brushing Your Teeth Daily

After you qualify for Invisalign treatment, the dentist in Paoli, PA, suggests you must brush and floss your teeth daily, even when undergoing treatment. If the information surprises you, it shouldn’t because Invisalign braces have a removable feature and require removal for eating and cleaning your teeth. You must develop the habit of cleaning your teeth in the morning and night besides the aligners just as you would brush and floss your teeth. In addition, it would help if you gently brushed the aligner’s interior and exterior to eliminate dental plaque and food particles harmful to your teeth and gums.

Soak Your Aligners with Invisalign Crystals

The dentist suggests using Invisalign crystals to soak them to help with odor, bacterial growth, and discoloration. After adding the crystals, as the dentist recommends, you can place the aligners in water. Remember you can expose your Invisalign clear aligners to the crystals only as long as required. You can finish brushing, rinsing, and flossing before replacing the trays over your teeth because the cleaning solution doesn’t require much time to complete its work. Invisalign clear aligners must remain on your teeth for at least 22 hours daily, and the crystals merely need 15 minutes to freshen the braces.

Refrain from Eating with the Aligners

Eating with the aligners over your teeth is inconvenient besides being harmful. The aligners do not support pressure from hard foods and chewing. In addition, food particles can get inside the braces, where they serve as a haven for bacteria and tooth decay. Therefore before eating, you must remove the aligners and rinse your mouth before replacing them.

Maintain Your Invisalign Aligners in Their Case

If you intend to occasionally remove the aligners for events or socialize, ensure that you store the braces in their case. Invisalign trays must remain in view because you run the risk of bacteria accumulating on them or ruining them when they are not in sight. In addition, ensure that you place the aligners in their case when eating or drinking.

Do Not Heat your Invisalign Trays when Cleaning Them

Does using hot water to eliminate bacteria and germs from the braces make sense? If it does, kindly refrain from the practice. It can damage Invisalign near you to delay your treatment. The provider does not suggest using hot water when cleaning Invisalign and rinsing them.

Invisalign aligners are not challenging to use and are a comfortable alternative to conventional orthodontics if you want to straighten your teeth. In addition, they deliver faster results in six to eighteen months compared to three years or more with traditional braces. However, they do impose some restrictions on maintaining them appropriately to achieve the desired results.

Metal orthodontic braces remain attached to your teeth for the length of your treatment. At the same time, the removable feature of Invisalign enables you to remove the aligners for eating and cleaning your teeth. After completing the therapy, the treatment with Invisalign ensures you are not saddled with tooth decay, discoloration, or gum disease. Maintaining the aligners is just a minor inconvenience that you can overcome. It sets the path to having beautiful teeth to complement your smile without dental concerns for life.

If you are interested in straightening your teeth, the Dentist in Paoli can assess them to determine your candidature for the therapy. Consult them today to plan your treatment for straighter teeth and a beautiful smile faster than traditional orthodontics.

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